So with this example of this Jim Rice card here, I see that his 12 is at the 26. Many thanks to Doug Burg for compiling the original list! With a little detective work and just a little baseball knowledge, you should be able to figure out what season it is. You can see a full list of APBA Baseball season set up until 2011 with a host of information including the location of the 12. Aside from being an interesting tradition by the Company it became a helpful way to determine the year of the season set. It would be located on different dice roll each year. Before 2012, APBA had a tradition of moving the result number 12 on the card. Since 2012, APBA has always placed the 12 at 23. Like me, you may have a lot of APBA Baseball sets printed before 2000 and do not have the year printed on the card. Starting in 2000, the APBA Company started this practice of putting the stats. If you’re buying the current set and any from the past couple of decades, APBA puts the year on the players card along with the stats. Is there a way to identify the year? Yes… mostly. Maybe we’ll find a loose card somewhere and will want identify it. Of course, we want to know what season it is for.

Sometimes we buy card sets and then set them aside and rediscover them.

This is a question I get frequently… I have a baseball card but I can’t tell what year it represents.